Thursday, August 28, 2008

Great use for leftover flannel scraps

My kids just started kindergarten and have been taking their lunches to school. For the first few days I was sending along some paper napkins that we had from their birthday party. Well, being the novice lunch packer that I am, I failed to realize that putting a paper napkin in an insulated lunch box with an ice pack doesn't work so well. The condensation gets the napkin all wet.

So yesterday I went though my scrap fabric bin and pulled out all the flannel I had in there. It wasn't a lot, but I had enough to make some lunch napkins for the kids. I just cut out some kid sized squares, sewed them right sides together, turned, and topstitched.

They turned out cute and the kids love that they have their own little napkins. It also saves trees and cuts down on waste.

The added bonus is that if they get a little wet, it will help them wash the lunch off their face a little better. We'll see if my son comes home with spaghetti sauce on his face today!

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