Friday, August 8, 2008

Capes and more capes!

When I was laying in bed the other night, not able to fall asleep, I was thinking about what I could put in the treat bags for the kids coming to my kids' birthday party. I didn't want to put candy or junky plastic things made in China that would get lost or broken within 10 minutes.

I thought about how cool it would be to make capes for them, but since it was only a couple of days away I figured it was too late. Surely I wouldn't have time to sew them up with family coming to town and all that.

Well, today we were at the craft store and the satin happened to be on sale and in a moment of craziness I decided to go for it! So here they are - five reversible capes. It's not my best sewing, but it was among my fastest! One is for my daughter so it's a more girly purple.

I'm sure tomorrow will be a flurry of 4 & 5 year olds running around like lunatics. But they'll have something to take with them that will last and provide lots and lots of fun and an outlet for their imaginations!

(Pattern is from Ottobre Design, 4/04 issue)

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