Monday, April 26, 2010

Just in time for Mother's Day

Sew4Home has a cute retro-style apron tutorial up today. I'm totally going to make this!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

One scrappy pillow...

April 2010 005, originally uploaded by pearljamfanatic.

I know I seem to use this fabric a lot, but I love it. I have lots left too!

I had to make a couple of more pillows for the living room because the one lonely pillow in there looked kind of silly. The others I had made got sold or given as gifts.

With these two pillows, I've finally finished up with my stash of pillow forms bought during a great sale long ago. ;)

Another scrappy pillow

April 2010 006, originally uploaded by pearljamfanatic.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

new dress for the rabbit

new dress for the rabbit, originally uploaded by pearljamfanatic.

The girl used some of her own money to buy this rabbit at Build-a-Bear over spring break. She didn't have enough for clothes and accessories, so I made her rabbit a little dress and hair bow out of some scraps. Just in time for Easter!