Friday, October 31, 2008

Here's a model shot of the Little Red Riding Hood costume for tonight. She spilled a little bubble juice on the apron, but you get the picture. She hasn't decided whether to carry her jack-o-lantern bucket or a basket for trick or treating. Such tough decisions!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

What's old is new

Check out what the UPS guy brought to the house in three large packages yesterday!


The husband got it for me for Christmas, although his surprise was ruined because one box had an old rusty bolt sticking out. I knew he had bought me something on eBay and it was large and that I'd been talking about my grandmother's old treadle Singer. I only had to put two and two together. :)

It's a Singer 115, dated 1915. You should see all the cool attachments that came with it - ruffler foot, tucking foot, binding attachment, what looks to be the original manual, and more. Here's a picture of all that stuff.


The machine is in working condition already, though I had to order a new belt. The cabinet is in pretty good condition but I need to do some cleaning, same with the machine itself.

I'll be sure to post new pictures once we get it all done!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


BurdaStyle is a wonderful open source sewing site. There are tons of free patterns to download as well as a blog, forum, how to's, and user creations. Burda is a well known pattern company, so when they came out with this site a while back, it was very exciting! The site has evolved to involve a lot more of its users' content and that is just cool. Check it out!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Little Red Riding Hood costume

For Halloween, my daughter finally made up her mind and decided to be Little Red Riding Hood. I ended up morphing some tried and true Ottobre patterns together with some improvisation by me and it turned out super cute!

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood
I stitched out the Obama pattern onto a red t-shirt and it came out okay. I hooped it like I normally do with knit fabrics but the whole pattern didn't line up perfectly. Also, I think the design is a bit too dense for t-shirt knits. Overall, though, I'm happy to have my own Obama shirt!

Now, check this cute tutorial out. We're talking a super cute idea for a holiday gift for a lucky kid.

Fabric Dollhouse

I can think of so many variations on the theme - police station, school, store, gymnastics class, dance studio... the possibilities are endless!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Free political embroidery designs!

Apex Embroidery has both Obama and McCain embroidery designs available for free download. There are two designs for each candidate, in a variety of download formats. I'm planning to use an Obama one on a red t-shirt today; I will post my results later on!

Click here for free downloads

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Knit One, Save One

Save the Children is hosting their Knit One, Save One campaign again this year. It's a great project for anyone that enjoys knitting or crocheting, or even craft groups. I sent off a hat last year with a note attached, and they sent me a postcard this year to inform me that it's that time again. Neat!

If you're interested, check it out!